Wednesday, October 18, 2017

International Credit Union Day: Our Favorite Things About the Industry

October 19 is International Credit Union Day, and EPL is excited to celebrate! Credit unions are powerful and positive forces in their communities, and the service with which they provide their members is unique. We are proud to play a part in helping credit unions and members alike achieve their business and financial goals.

In honor of International Credit Union Day, we have compiled a list of a few of our favorite things about the credit union industry:
  1. The members. Credit unions wouldn’t be successful – or even exist – without their members. The people who choose to trust credit unions with their finances make working in this industry special. Credit unions take immense pride in serving members well because they are more than just “customers” – they are the ones in the driver’s seat.
  2. The mission. Prioritizing members over profit sets credit unions apart from other financial institutions. By providing competitive rates and empowering members with the financial information they need to make the best decisions, their interests are served over all others. Everyone in the industry works toward a common goal: financial health.
  3. The community. By joining a credit union, members choose to be part of a community of like-minded individuals that value service and transparency above all else. Credit unions have a personal connection with their members. Other financial institutions simply aren’t as involved in their local communities as credit unions.
  4. The innovation. The industry has seen immense innovation in the last few years, and it shows no signs of slowing. Mobile banking continues to be a game-changer. Data integration is giving credit unions more functionality than ever before. Business intelligence is allowing credit unions to tailor recommendations to their members’ needs. These are just a few ways in which credit unions are continuing to provide optimal service and meet members where they are.
  5. The growth. The credit union industry continues to be a powerful player in the financial services space. According to, credit unions are experiencing a positive trajectory in multiple areas. The 12-month growth rate for membership is 4.2 percent. Member business lending has grown an unprecedented 16.8 percent in the last year. People are continuing to look to credit unions to meet their individual and business needs.
We are thankful to our credit union partners and their members for allowing us to work with them each and every day. We look forward to continued success together. Join us in celebrating our great industry!

EPL Staff

EPL, Inc.

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